OSHA changed the requirements for gates (latches) on Fall Arrest Lanyards, Self-Retracting Lanyards, carabiners, as well as any other fall arrest product that has a gate (latch).
Under the new requirements, the gate (latch) must have a 3,600-pound marking on the actual gate (latch) indicating that it was proof tested at 3,600 pounds in all directions. This requirement is not “grandfathered out”. Our Inspection Technicians are required to fail the part if it does not meet this requirement.
You may read about the new OSHA standard by going to their site: https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1910/1910.140. To review the specific requirements, look at sections 1910.140(c)(7) through 1910(c)(10).
Additionally, here are some examples of the new standard.

Please call us at 800-626-2325 or email us at mcdal@mcdal.com if you need to schedule an inspection or would like additional information.