Rigid Lifelines® fall protection systems use full-body harnesses. These harnesses are designed to provide maximum protection and comfort with five-point adjustment and padding.
The Warthog® MAXX “Comfort” Construction Harness with Removable Belt, Side D-Rings and Additional Padding. These harnesses combine 100% safety compliance along with comfortable padding on the shoulders, waist, back and legs. These harnesses can be used in all types of fall protection applications where the harness needs to be worn for a long period of time. All of our harnesses meet all applicable ANSI and OSHA standards.
Key Features
- Compliant with ANSI Z359.11-2014, ANSI A10.32-2012, OSHA 1910.66, OSHA 1926.502, OSHA 1926 Subpart M
- ANSI Worker Capacity Range: 130-310 lbs
- OSHA Max Capacity: 420 lbs
- Provides maximum comfort and safety
- Includes full shoulder, back, waist & leg padding for comfort
- Waist belt removable for versatility
- Chest & Leg Buckles for Quick Connection and easy adjustments
- Built-in lanyard keepers on both sides of harness
- Includes premium aglets on all adjustment straps
- Side D-Rings
- Impact Indicator
- Deluxe Label Protector
- Polyester Webbing Material
- D-Ring and Buckle Galvanized Steel